We Do Not Exist
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MIB Thought for the Day
“Government does not solve problems. It subsidizes them.”
― Ronald Reagan
Also known as: Men In Black, Horlocks
Basic Behaviors are: Mostly Agressive
Awareness Type is: Self-Aware / Individual
Physical Xenotype: Synthetic , Humanoid

MIBs have a long and storied history among humans, with sightings / reports going back many centuries. Fortunately (for the MIBs) those movies helped to camouflage and cover-up the concept, to make fun of it and reduce it to "that was just a movie." Good move, that.

MIBs are a partially self-appointed, partially enlisted "police force" acting as an arm of action for some of the grittier bits of work that sometimes need doing, or for helping to suppress stories and tales, especially those closer to the truth, when the truth just won't do.

The MIBs are not malevolent, but neither are they benevolent. They are certainly not neutral, either. They are very active, but have a tendency, also, to take "high paying jobs" (which has nothing to do with money, of course).

At it's heart, the mission of the MIBs is one of control and misdirection. They employ many methods to bedazzle the humans, to keep the "truth" or at least a higher-layer of truth obscured to the vast majority. In this, they are exceptionally effective. Some stories are allowed to "leak." Some are blocked or deflected. Some totally fake stories are released with great fan-fare. The result is a rather neutral wash of fantasies, lies, and the occasional bits of truth. This is, of course, a filtering and screening process, to discover those humans who have that combination of open mind and clear discernment, with a willingness to believe in spite of past prejudices, plus an innate sense of truth. Such individuals are quite valuable and are then [... approx 400 words omitted ...]

As Fox Mulder said, the "Truth is out there," but it lies awash in such a sea of debris as to be virtually invisible. Such is the core mission of the MIBs.

Even the occasional reports of "men in black suits and dark glasses" showing up at the doors of UFO reportees and telling them "to never disclose this to anyone, "or else" are themselves carefully planned and calculated events. The net effect of this is to, in fact, obscure the actual existence of the MIBs, since these reports will be credited to discredible sources, usually attached to sightings that are themselves faked or mis-reported by the wittnesses. (It's an old technique in the dis-information business -- attach the "truth" to false data, and the entire package is discarded. Humans are so easily controlled, as a whole, don't you think?)

Here at ETsOnly! the MIBs keep the peace in a more flagrant way. From all of you here, it is not necessary for them to hide their existence. Yet their presence is also clearly necessary, here among so many of you potentially at odds with each other, just to keep these buildings and lounges the safe and stress-free zones they are meant to be.

[MIB: Though mainly here to keep the peace, and to make occasional corrections to statements and claims by y'all, we are also here to help, should you need guidance or assistance. We will not assist you with your missions in any way what so ever. But any other assistance you might need, feel free to give us a Buzz, at the "Contact Page"]








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