Vegan Thought for the Day
“Explain the value and justify the cost - People don’t mind paying; they just don’t like to overpay.”
― Chris Murray
Basic Behaviors are: Mostly Benevloent
Awareness Type is: Self-Aware / Individual
Physical Xenotype: Equus , Humanoid

A friendly and merchantile people, their whole species seems engaged in the enterprise of commercial activity. Their entire ethical structure is oriented around the trading of goods. No necessarily profit motivated, though, their passion seems to lie in the very act of trade itself.

An Equine race, possessed of (nominally) four legs and a handsome torso with largely human features upon their faces, though there can be considerable variation in this basic form. These variations seem to matter no more among them than

hair color does among humans.

Visit the Vegan Galleria now, and do some shopping

Technologically, they possess only as much technology as they require in order to establish and maintain markets and the requisite comfortable relationships with their customers. That is, technology is only a means to an end; they do not acquire technology for its own sake. However, it is amazing how much technology that might involve for some of their markets.

Notice: do not make Ferengi jokes around them. In this one area they seem to take offense. Apparently it stems from the implication that their motivation might be profit oriented, when in fact it is not. Their joy comes from enacting a trade, and the "profit" is only that necessary to forward that cause. They won't cut you off for making Ferengi references in their presence, but there have been reports of prices going up on such occasions.



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